歲數: |
80 歲 |
身高: |
88 cm |
體重: |
88 KG |
(Please scroll down for the English version)
衞生署衞生防護中心公佈,2019年7月至9月接獲152宗感染愛滋病病毒(HIV)新增個案,當中48人透過異性或雙性性接觸受感染; 華裔則佔105宗個案。
性活躍人士應定期進行愛滋病檢測; 研究顯示,持續及正確地使用安全套也能減低愛滋病病毒感染風險。
電話: 3188 9024
whatsapp: 6351 9487
Wechat: choicehealth
Local HIV situation in the third quarter of 2019
In the third quarter of 2019, a total of 152 additional cases of HIV infection were reported.
Of the 152 HIV cases, 48 acquired the infection via heterosexual or bisexual contact. While 105 reported case are local Chinese and 36 are non-local Chinese.
The Department of Health encourages at-risk populations to have at least annual testing. Moreover, correct and consistent condom use can also prevent the sexual transmission of HIV.
C.H.O.I.C.E provides free rapid tests for HIV and Syphilis. If you are interested in getting tested, please contact us for more information.
If you have any further questions about HIV or STIs, please do not hesitate to contact us.
All rapid tests are free, anonymous and confidential.
Phone number: 3188 9024
Whatsapp: 6351 9487
Wechat: choicehealth
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