MWFG 發表於 2018-1-1 03:31:11
cccccccccccTffnhung 發表於 2018-1-1 05:14:19
CccccccccccccccTffnhung 發表於 2018-1-1 05:14:51
如果您要查看本帖隱藏內容Tffnhung 發表於 2018-1-1 05:16:38
Biopolitics is an intersectional field between biology and politics.The term was coined by Rudolf Kjellén, who also coined the term geopolitics, in his 1905 two-volume work The Great Powers. In contemporary US political science studies, usage of the term is mostly divided between a poststructuralist group using the meaning assigned by Michel Foucault (denoting social and political power over life) and another group who uses it to denote studies relating biology and political science.Tffnhung 發表於 2018-1-1 05:17:02
Biopolitics is an intersectional field between biology and politics.The term was coined by Rudolf Kjellén, who also coined the term geopolitics, in his 1905 two-volume work The Great Powers. In contemporary US political science studies, usage of the term is mostly divided between a poststructuralist group using the meaning assigned by Michel Foucault (denoting social and political power over life) and another group who uses it to denote studies relating biology and political scienLtn0308 發表於 2018-1-1 06:18:04
Thx for sharegoldenboy 發表於 2018-1-1 11:47:04
ccccccccccccczxc12 發表於 2018-1-1 12:14:04
ccccccccccccccccccccccckingofheart669 發表於 2018-1-1 17:13:40
qaaaaaaaaase14264599 發表於 2018-1-1 17:22:05