希望大家有好提議一齊玩 加BBQ988,0K吗 加上WeChat LLLWAI520520 Hi, I had played MMF few times with couples. Have some funny ideas and we can explore together.You can add my wechat : gentle1967 or TG @manufan2014 我同我老婆都想揾大家一齊交換玩下 方便留個聯絡方法嗎? yuu你同太太傾好未先? gentle加唔到你 Hi Andy, please try again
Wechat : gentle1967
TG @manufan2014
Should work. Thanks 38, 斯文男, 專業人仕, wechat: Petteer2016
Hi 有與趣可加我微信了解下。