話說小弟今年五月開始搵cc 當時已經有見到本文女主角嘅post 但可惜當時她暫停了trade 直到最近見到佢出返post 我琴日又放假 於是就約左佢
約會當日 因為3號風球關係 周圍都塞車 女女一直用wechat報告行蹤 最後順利一齊上房
雖然女女post話唔sell樣 但我覺得好清純順眼 比一堆落左妝就唔同樣嘅女更好看 身型超fit 瘦底長腿 佢話168高 但我點都覺得佢比168高 可能因為佢修長關係
去到戲肉 如本文標題同女女post一樣 口技了得 絕對值得一試 全程服務交流做到足 係我約咁多次cc經歷之中最放鬆享受嘅一次 超值!
P.s. 女女另有foot job plan 雖然本人非足控 但見到女女wechat嘅相 都覺得好吸引好性奮 好此道嘅師兄可以一試 師兄係邊位,條LINK去唔到 條LINK入唔到 本帖最後由 legsenthusiast 於 2016-10-24 23:31 編輯
thanks u help me wrote report :)
Jessy is a nice lady sell mouth and massage here不接上門(no ml plan& 無指插).168cm 116lbs 40" long legs 34C 25 36 mouth skillful.
Wechat many body photos but never show full face.If u must very pretty face pls don't add me .Pls kindly lay ur red pocket when we in motel ,thanks.
can kiss ,touch and bath together if u want. wear sexy clothes,costumes etc ....
純按摩打飛機800/ 一小時
Plan a 1000 mouth with dom an hour.(I hv normal condom on hand, 0.01to 0.03pls buy by yourself)
Plan B 1次 an hour 1200 bj without dom ,can shoot on face. /1400 1次 in mouth
Plan C 1700 mouth without dom two hours, can shoot in mouth and on face.任出. /Three hours plan 2200 (Kln tong has shower tub,can serve u in it)
Plan D 任出bj in car but must date after 10pm as the street less people,the price is 1700 (old customer)Overnight plan 10pm to 7am hkd3500 unlimited bj and massage as u need。(Perfect old customer date only)Hv ol suit or school uniform if u wantLocation tst mk pe ymt kln tong tin hau wan chai cwb central and hotel if u booked,Some guys come from oversea, they dated me to do massage mostly^^I serve Chinese guy only.If u are the first time find cc on here, you should try my services as I am not bad.
No trade with over 50 years old,thanks.
If u are foot job enthusiast, I hv 純foot job plan HKD 1300 一小時.如果你喜歡被踢春袋這plan適合你,只要你要求我會踢的,我已接過一些這類的客(但我係不提供bj,只會用手或腳去令你出)
最後你做奴奴plan 任出2200兩小時,只用腳,手and bj, rope u if u want (no ml)......已有不少奴奴同狗仔約過我
my new wechat is happybee2228 as since account can not add people sometimes